The Arc Pikes Peak Region (The Arc PPR) is honored to participate in the 2018 Indy Give! campaign, alongside 95 other worthy nonprofits in the Colorado Springs community. Our vision is a community where all individuals are embraced and respected.

As we live out our mission-in-action, we are excited to highlight the individuals we support through our advocacy and programs. We invite you to meet and get to know Sherice Bethel, a self-advocate with The Arc PPR’s Include USA program, below.

Sherice Bethel is a self-advocate, and she likes to dance, sing and act. She also enjoys attending The Arc Ball. She also happens to have Cerebral Palsy, although that doesn’t stop her from pursuing her dreams and goals in life.


With my disability, I encourage people to speak their mind and use their voice. The Arc gives people who never speak up in front of people, a place to say, ‘I can do this,’ Sherice said. “I like to inspire people and show them what I can do. All voices need to be heard.


Sherice Bethel, self-advocate with The Arc Pikes Peak Region

We encourage you to donate to The Arc Pikes Peak Region through Indy Give!, beginning today, November 1, through December 31, at midnight, to benefit people with disabilities and their families.

All proceeds from this year’s Indy Give! campaign will benefit Building for Change, The Arc Pikes Peak Region’s capital campaign to construct an inclusive campus that will house a wide variety of resources for people with disabilities and their families.

You can donate here:

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The best way to ensure that you receive our newsletter, our event invitations, and other important information is to become a member of The Arc of the Pikes Peak Region.