Having a vision for your life is an important part of living the life you were made for, and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are no different.

Through The Arc Pikes Peak Region’s Building for Change Life Skills Resource Center, we will encourage people of all abilities to uncover their vision for their lives and learn the skills needed to make it a reality. Meet James “Allen” Brooks, a young man who received one of The Arc Pikes Peak Region’s 2019 Achiever of the Year awards at our Annual Dinner & Awards Celebration. Although James has an intellectual disability, he doesn’t let that hinder his vision to “discover.”

I really want to learn something. My mind is always open to things. I don’t care what it is. If you teach me, I’m willing to learn.

James Allen Brooks Vision

Your chance to donate through Indy Give! starts this Friday, November 1, and goes through December 31, 2019!  All proceeds will benefit The Arc Pikes Peak Region’s Building for Change Capital Campaign, and will help people like James to realize their life vision by learning job skills, budgeting, nutrition, and many other skills!

Give! to help people with disabilities achieve their vision here: www.indygive.com/thearc

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The best way to ensure that you receive our newsletter, our event invitations, and other important information is to become a member of The Arc of the Pikes Peak Region.