Know Your right to vote

Elections matter. When you vote, you choose who represents the disability community in the government at all levels. 2016 is an election year…so exercise and know your right to vote!

You have the power to choose who decides the structure and funding of disability programs, like our lifelines—including Medicaid and Social Security.

Get informed and know your rights.

  • Are you registered to vote? Is your polling place accessible?
  • Do you know if there is a primary election coming up in your state? Is your state one of them?
  • Are you aware of the great resources of organizations like Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE) and the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) have about your right to vote? We have included many of them in our resources.
  • What should you do if you feel your right to vote is being violated?

Know your rights; vote this year and in every year! #PwDsVOTE
