Colorado Springs City Auditorium

Give to Learn: Andrew’s Story

Being a lifelong learner is an important part of being a well-rounded, successful person. It’s also an important part of building healthy families and communities. [...]

Give! to Achieve: Amanda

What does it mean to you to defy your limitations? As The Arc Pikes Peak Region (The Arc PPR) prepares to open our newly-renovated Inclusive [...]

Karleah’s Vision to Play Football

Throughout this year's Indy Give! campaign, we've been discussing the importance of vision, as having a vision for your life is often the first step [...]

Job Skills for the I/DD Community: Building for Change

An Interview with Community Outreach Employment Consultant Donna Sambora-Byouse By: Mary Kate Maloney, Colorado College development fellow Donna Sambora-Byouse has extensive experience working alongside those [...]

Mitch’s Vision for Equal Rights

Throughout this year's Indy Give! campaign, we've been discussing the importance of vision, as having a vision for your life is often the first step [...]

Vince’s Vision to Set His Own Goals

It's been said that "vision gets the dream started." Thinking about your vision for your life is often the first step toward achieving your dreams [...]

Avery’s Vision to be Herself

Vision is an important part of living the life you were made for. Thinking about your vision for your life is often the first step [...]

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The best way to ensure that you receive our newsletter, our event invitations, and other important information is to become a member of The Arc of the Pikes Peak Region.

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